Name: - Mrs. Rukminibai Anatrao Pangerkar

Age: - 20 years

Introduction: -

Patient has taken 5 months treatment from a allopathic physician for burns without any improvement in her condition. When Patient comes to my clinic then there is deep ulcers & unhealed wounds on chest with profuse bleeding and suppuration. Hypertrophied & adshesive scar on the chest & neck due to which neck is not movable.Patient is very much exhausted and having backachae, insomnia, dyspnoea, weakness allover the body. I started treatment on 1 August 2001 due to request of patient and her family.

Chief complaints: -

Date: 01/08/2001

-Burns, deep ulcers with bleeding & suppuration on breast region, on sternoclavicular region.

- Superficial ulcers on neck, lower mandibular region, lower side of neck, on medial side of both leg.

- Adhesive and excessive hypertrophied scar on neck and lower mandibular region of neck.

- Pain in calf region of leg, feet, both hands, forearms.

- Neck is immovable or difficult to move. - Bloody boils all over the chest General:

- Appetite: - Less or loss of appetite.

Sleep: Sleeplessness

Thirst: Less

Laboratory Investigation: -

Date: 05/08/2001

Haemoglobin: - 7.8 gm %

Protein: - Albumin: 3.8 gm%, Globulin: 2.0 gm%, Total: 5.8 gm% A/G Ratio: 1.9:1

Urine: - Albumin:Present,

Blood Urea: 34.33 mg%

First Prescription: -


Rx -

- Calendula 30 (4 pills t.d.s. every one hourly)

- Cantharis 30 (4 pills t.d.s.)

- Calendula Q. + Cantharis Q. Locally

Follow Up: -


All burning bloody boils disappeared. Suppuration & bleeding lowered. Deep ulcers are going to heal & some totally healed.Neck is slightly moving. Thirst improved & Appetite improved.Pus formation on sternoclavicular region.Backachae lowered.Weakness lowered. Burning in urethra during micturation.Albuminuria


-Calendula 30 (4 pills t.d.s. every one hourly)

- Cantharis 30 (4 pills t.d.s.)

- Calendula Q. + Cantharis Q. Locally

- Five Phos 6x (4 pills t.d.s.)

- Lecithin 3x (1 pills t.d.s.)


All the ulcers on breast region are healed. Only single deep ulcer with suppuration is on sternal region. Suppuration stopped except from ulcer on sternal region. Appetite improved.No weakness.Burning lost from urethra. Proteinuria & Albuminuria is cured. No Backachae.


- Cantharis 30 (2 pills t.d.s.)

- Calendula Q. + Cantharis Q. Locally

- Five Phos 6x (4 pills t.d.s.) - Lecithin 3x (1 pills t.d.s.)

- Hepar Sulph 200 (3 pills t.d.s)


All deep ulcers on breast & supra & infraclavicular region from both sides are healed totally. Suppuration lowered from sternal region and size of that ulcer is lowered.Backachae cured.Appetite improved.Slight side to side movement in neck.


- Cantharis 30 (2 pills b.d.s.)

- Calendula Q. + Cantharis Q. Locally

- Five Phos 6x (4 pills t.d.s.)

- Lecithin 3x (1 pills t.d.s.)

- Hepar Sulph 200 (3 pills t.d.s)


All deep ulcers of the chest on breast totally healed. Adhesive & hypertrophied scar on the neck & chest due to extensive burns. Neck is slightly movable.Haemoglobin & Protein improved.


- Calendula Q.+Cantharis Q. Glycerol

- Lecithin 3x (1 pills t.d.s)

- Alfalfa Q. & China Q. (5 drops before meal)

- Thocinamonum 3x (1 pills t.d.s) - Thiocinamonum Ointment locally on scar

After 14 August when patient was came I continued same medicine with slight changes.So the detail follow up I am not mentioning here. I advised Patient to use Magnetic Neck Belt for hyperptrophied scar.


Slight hypertrophied scar on neck, chest.


- Causticum 200 (3 pills t.d.s.) for a day

- Thiocinamonum 3x (1pills t.d.s)

- Thiocinamonum Ointment Locally


Now all the hyperetrophied scar on the chest are cured. Neck is totally movable. Skin is now on the way of original colouration.


Thiocinamonum 3x (1 pills t.d.s.)

Thiocinamonum Ointment locally.

Now patient is in good condition and living healthy life.